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Christ Exalted: Loving Those Who Hate You

February 19, 2023 Preacher: Pastor John Fernandez Series: The Book of Romans: For I Am Not Ashamed

Scripture: Romans 12:8–21

Sermon Questions for Romans 12:11-16 (2/19/23)                                                                    Grace Church of Napa

  1. The theme of Romans 12 is surrendering our life to worship and serve God (Rom. 12:1). This will be expressed is using our spiritual gifts to serve the church (12:3-7) as well as expressing genuine love to others (12:9-21). In 12:11-16 we are exhorted to display 9 characteristics of this genuine love.
  2. In 12:11 what are we told not to do? In the context it is referring to diligence in loving others and serving God.  The words ‘lagging behind’ meant becoming lazy, reluctant.  How can we become lazy in serving God by loving others?
  3. What is the next command in 12:11? The word ‘fervent’ (NASB version) meant ‘hot, inflamed in spirit, zealous.” It was the opposite of complacent.  What does the next command in 12:11 say?  What does this tell us our heart must be fervent for?  How does being fervent in serving the Lord relate to genuinely loving others?  What helps us regain fervency for the Lord according to the following verses? Psalm 51:10; Ps. 19:9-11; Hebrews 10:24-25
  4. In 12:12 rejoicing in hope meant rejoicing in the certainty of God’s promise of future joy with him in heaven and his future care for you on earth. Why do you think the Lord wants us to do this?  What difference does it make in our hearts? In the way we relate to those who are hard to love?
  5. In 12:12 we are told to ‘persevere (continue to serve God and love others) in tribulations (intense stress, pressure, difficulties).’  Would it have any effect on our love of others and serving God if we didn’t learn to handle stress? Why or why not?
  6. What does Jesus say in John 16:33 that would help us in tribulations? What does Philippians 4:6-7 tell us we should do and what He will do when we’re anxious (under stress)?  On a scale of 1-10 how often do you allow the Lord to help you when you are stressed out?  Why is it sometimes difficult for us to do this?
  7. In 12:12 we are told to be ‘devoted’ to prayer. This word meant ‘sticking close to, attached to’.  Why do you think prayer is so important in order to persevere in tribulations?
  8. In 12:13 we are told to be ‘contributing’ or partnering together in meeting needs of the saints. What are practical ways we can do this?
  9. In 12:13 we are to practice hospitality (lit. means being a lover of strangers). How can we do this?  What often hinders this in our lives?  Would it make any difference if our church members were not hospitable?
  10. In 12:14 we are to bless our enemies not curse them. This mean our heart is to pray for them.  According to the following verses what could we pray for them? 1 Timothy 2:3-4; Luke 23:33-34.   What often hinders us from praying for our enemies?  What difference would it make in us, if we did genuinely pray for them?
  11. What do you think 12:15 means?  How could we practice this? Why would this show genuine love?  Which is harder for you: to weep with them or rejoice with them? Why?
  12. What does 12:16 forbid? Why would this be essential in order to display genuine love? How can you tell if you are thinking too highly of yourself? How could others tell?  What does who we choose to associate with and serve reveal about the genuineness of our love?