David Robles
David Robles is the teaching pastor of Iglesia Evangelica in Leon, Spain where he preaches, discipling new believers and training new leadership to proclaim the Word of God. Their local church moved into a newly constructed facility at the end of 2018. David is a graduate from University of Leon and has a post-graduate degree in Bible from Multnomah Bible Biblical Seminary, Portland, and a Master of Divinity with emphasis on Expository Preaching from The Master's Seminary. He is also the founding president of Berea Seminary which began in 2010 and where he continues to teach. The Berea Seminary has extensions in Galicia, the Canary Islands, and most recently in Lisbon, Portugal. Through the Berea Seminary and Conference Ministries, David has been training pastors, elders and other church leaders from around Spain. His teaching and conference ministry also extends to other countries, including Germany and the United States. We are thankful to the Lord for all the likeminded brothers serving the Lord in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries. David's wife, Loida leads and teaches the women ministry and cares for their three daughters.