Ministry Overview
M28 Adult Discipleship Classes
M28 Classes occur on Sunday mornings at 9am. The purpose is to take believers deeper into Bible Study on particular topics or books of Scripture.
Life Groups
The purpose of life groups is to provide a context for Christ-Centered relationships, prayer, service, and accountability. Life Groups meet on various week nights.
Children's Ministry
The purpose of Children's Ministry is to teach the Word of God faithfuly and effectively to kids. There are several avenues where this takes place. Children's Church (Sundays at 10:30am), Awana (Wednesdays at 5:30pm), Vacation Bible School (One Week in June).
Student Ministry
Student Ministry is available for 6-12th Grades. Youth meetings provide a context for teaching teens the Word of God, evangelizing lost teens, and life-on-life discipleship. This is accomplished through weekly teaching, game time, small groups, special events and camps.
Women's Ministry
Our Women's Ministry works hard to get women into the Word of God and fosters edifying relationships among them. There are multiple bible studies, events, and service programs that are ongoing.
Men's Ministry
The Men's ministry seeks to get men together around the Word to support each other and hold each other accountable to follow Christ. There are bible studies, small groups, men's breakfasts, misc. events, and annual retreats.
Compassion Ministry
The compassion ministry seeks to visit widows, shut-ins, and those who are hurting. As needs become apparent, the compassion ministry seeks to encourage and coordinate help. This can be food for the sick, rides to medical appointments, prayer, etc. They aslo hold periodic events for widows to help foster edifying friendships.
Biblical Counseling Ministry
We are in the process of developing a well-organized Biblical Counseling Ministry. We believe that God's Word is sufficient to address the counseling needs of every believer. Currently, we are training biblical counselors while our pastors handle most of the biblical counseling needs that arrise.
School of Shepherding (SOS)
SOS exists to glorify God by training men so they will be able shepherd themselves, their families and the body of Christ to know the joyous all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ and thus make Disciples of Christ who in turn will make Christ known to others (John 10:10; 13:34; Matthew 28:19-20; 1 Timothy 3:4-5; Ephesians 4:11-16; 5:25-28; 6:4; Philemon).
There is discussion and interaction over the biblical truth we are learning including how to apply it in our lives, families and church. There is also a time of worship and prayer.
Students are shepherded by an Elder, periodically interacting with them in a ministry setting and encouraged to apply what they are learning with their spouse and children.
Clarity Conference
Our intention is to provide Biblical Truth for Confusing Times by hosting a regular conference with top notch teachers. We have addressed topics such as Parenting, Marriage, Gender and Sexuality Issues, etc.
Art Fellowship
This is a gathering of Christians and non-Christians who like to paint or are learning to. The goal is to share what God is doing in our lives with multi-generational participants. We currently have children through the elderly included.
The Bridge
The Bridge Restoration Ministry – Napa is a one-year, residential discipleship program for those struggling with life dominating sins. Vocational training is an important component to the program. As part of the vocational training The Bridge Napa offers residential and commercial services such as: landscaping, hauling, painting, brush/debris removal, moving, light demo, etc. A suggested donation will be assigned to each job.
To schedule any of these services please contact Jackie Mosley at 707-758-4920 or
The Coalition of Christ-Exalting Churches
CoalitionCEC is a network of Like-Minded Churches in Northern California. Together, they strengthen, revitalize, and plant churches. Visit for more information.
Veritas Christian Academy
VCA is a local Prek-8th Grade Christian School. The Middle School is housed on our campus and two of our elders are on the Board of Trustees. The goal of this school is to provide an excellent education that is grounded in a thoroughly biblical world view.
Convalescent Ministry
The goal of the Nursing Home ministries is to glorify God by taking His word and His love to the facilities. Through our weekly worship service, we’re building a relationship with the residents. We seek to reach out to all residents to share Christ’s love.
The Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary
TCBS is a faithful local seminary housed on the campus of Community Bible Church in Vallejo. Grace helps support this seminary by financial donations, sending out pastors to teach classes there, partnering together to host the Clarity Conference, and sending people there for training.
In effort to extend the Gospel around the world, Grace is heavily invested in international missions. The primary focus of our missions program is to support indigenous church planters and to provide training to indigenous pastors. Currently, we support around 17 missionaries.
Annual Outreach Events
Vacation Bible School (every June)
Every summer, Grace goes all out for VBS. There is always an awesome theme with fun music. We then teach kids about the Bible, the gospel, and some basic life lessons based on Scripture. There are awesome games, crafts, snacks, and activies. On Thursday night of VBS we invite the parents to hear about what we've been teaching their children. We present the Gospel and pray for fruit. Its the highlight of the year for our kids!
The Harvest Festival (Oct 31)
As a family friendly event for Halloween we invite people to dress up and come to our campus for game, activities, crafts, and candy. We hand each new family a gift back with the gospel and a Bible in it. While we this is not a teaching heavy event, we pray that the seeds we scatter will take root.
Christmas In Bethlehem (every December)
Every December, we turn the front parking lot into the Old Town of Bethlehem. The whole church participates in building, dressing up as towns people, Roman soldiers, angels, shepherds, etc. We invite the community in to experience the nativity and hear the good news of the savior's birth.